miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019


Maybe it was the 2015 New Year's celebration i don't remember very well. The day start normally with my brothers and my mom in our home making the preparations for the evening, our task consist in cleanning all the roms of the house and go to the supermarket to buy whatever were necessary.
At nigth we were all together having a nice moment in family, eatting the delicious food from my mom and laughing while the conversation turns funny. When my mom and my youngest brother were tired and went to bed me and my older brother went to a friend's house to celebrate.

The nigth was crazy i drink a lot and smoke weed with my friends like it was the last day of our life. At some point the house was full of people that i did not even know but i feel pretty confortable, maybe because i just want to be with my dear ones specially my brother.

Another celebration i remember with affection was that day where Chile won his first America Cup. I was with my brother too in the same house of the previous history. We were so nervious during all the match but specially when the final penalty was kicked. We went crazy all screaming for the winning and we decided to go to Plaza Italia to keep celebrating, i remember the people in the street like nothing i've seen in my life with an energy so amazing.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019


Today i want to talk about the memories. I think these topic is pretty important for me because i have to many memories, even from i was a little baby living with my parent and my older brother in a small department near the subway Santa Ana. Once upon a time i take a bill from my mother´s purse and cut it in pieces with the scissors. The cartoons then were different, i enjoyed seen The Flintstones specially that part on the opening were Peter Flintstones jump from the tail of a giant dinosaur. My toys were different too, i have and Action Man and hundreds os these green and tiny soldiers. 

Those are just memories from my first home, there are to many others but its not necesary to tell you all of it. It's curious when you realize that your close friends or people doesn't have ´the same thing, maybe our brain decide to keep just a specific quantity of memories based on the kind of important that means for each person. If that's correct perhaps my memories, even the rares and insignificant ones, are part of an trancendental moment in my life. And tha make me feel that i am who i am because of all that.

Could sounds weird but i fell gratefull from those people who make me live the worst moments of my life because i learn so much from those experiences.

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

A job i would like to do

The work that i would like to do in some future would be to be an animator, but not those that animate parties or events, but rather those that are responsible for producing the animation of a short film, series or movies.

I would like very much that been an animator were my work because I think it represents a great challenge and one more step in the work of telling a story. Obviously, all the art forms that exist are able to tell a story and convey feelings to the viewer. But I find in animation an infinite number of possibilities and resources where you can play and experience in the course of creation.

First of all I would have to excercise my imagination every time I had an idea for a history, then write it in a piece of paper. Other qualitie is to know how to draw a lot of thing (people, animales, cities, building, food, things in perspective, etc). How to use the colors is essencial at the moment of convey and idea or a felling. But most important on this days is know how to use different software to ilustrate and animate (Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate, After Effects, just to name a few), i think that learn how to use this programs is basic if you want to create animation.

When i was younger or even now i enjoy watching animation series, short films, movies or whatever. So I think that i want to give that felling back to the kids or the adults with my animation, in other words, my reward would be make people feel good with my art, that's all.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019

An Strange Dream

I'm the kind of person who dreams a lot while slepping. Sometimes i could fell slep for five or ten minutes and can dream something in that short time.

About a week ago a was in my room with my dog, it was like 4 am and i start to feel somnolent. It's seems to be a normal night, just lying on my bed, but then the curtains of my room start to move like the wind were coming inside. I think "Oh, i forgot to close the window ", so i get up from the bed and try to close it just to realize that was already closed. It was a moment of confusion but as i felt tired didn't think too much about it. I remember to see the sky and it looks like the sun were just rising.

When i turn back my door was open and my dog was outside looking at the living room, i felt like someone or something were called his attention. So when he star to walk to the living room i called him back because i didn't want to be alone. I called him like tree times until hi came back. When i close the door to go back to my bed my body completly freeze and i couldn't move at all. Suddenly an strange force...

sábado, 6 de julio de 2019

A Book I've Enjoyed Reading

Honestly, I'm not a good reader, because I always get distracted for any reason.

But there are some books that I have really enjoyed. One of them was "Revival" by Steven King, an american writer.

I read this book a year ago even though I bought it more than two years ago. This is what i mean when i say that i'm a bad reader. The reason i decided acquire this book is because i like the genre of horror, so i expected feel unconfortable reading a book of an author who is famous for write about this topics.

Anyway, the book tell the history of Jamie Morton, a child who in 1968 live whit his family in a small town in New England. A day like any other Jamie was playing with his soldiers figures when a stranger interrumps him, that man was the new preacher of the village, Charles Jacobs. Soon the two will share a close bond, based on their fascination with experiments with electricity.

I remember why it was difficult for me to read this, i thought that horror moments would be present from the beginning, but it took more that just the first pages. So i got bored and stopped reading for a while.
When i started over, several decades later, Jamie was fallen into drug addiction and live a nomadic life playing guitar for different bands in bars across the country. Then he crosses paths with Jacobs again, resulting in something that goes much further than a pact with the devil.

The book is quite entertaining in my opinion, it keeps you hoping that Jamie's mental health will stand up to overcome the difficulties.

Resultado de imagen para revival

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2019

My Favourite Place

El Convento, San Antonio

In the last summer, in the beggining of february, my friend Nicolás invite me and other friends to go to San Antonio because his family has a house there. Specifically in El Convento, a rural zone. The place have a lot of nature and free space, even the neighbors' houses are far away, that was great for all of us because we didn't have to be carefull with the noise we made.

The first time we went there, we were just six persons, and it was pretty special because i could met to amazing people and also share more with the ones i already know. We arrived the place in the nigth, left our stuff in the rooms and quickly start to hangout and party. Of course we were drunk and high, in some sense that helped for no feel the cold. With a bonfire and the stars we finished the nigth having a incredible long conversations.

The second time we went to "el campito" (that´s how we called it), we tried to be more carefull with the place. We really tried but it´s hard to keep the house clean when there are five or six persons drunk and high all the day (i include me). Anyway, as the first time this was an amazing and very relaxing trip. There is a lot of pictures from both trips, but many are blurred or don´t show the place, so this is a good one.

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

A Photograph You Like

This photo was taken in one of the highest mountains of Cochamó. Two summers ago i went with four friends in a travel to the south of Chile. This trip began in February 2016 in Paillaco, and i say it started there because it was the moment when the five of us met.

We travel for many places, Chillán, Osorno, Puerto Octay, Cascada, Ralún, Ensenada, Valdivia, and more. We never knew where we would spend the night, but it wasn't a reason to stop enjoying the moment. I remember it was very hard for us to get to that place in the photo, because in was a seven hours hike up. But it was worth it because of the view.

One day, in Puerto Octay, we arrived to the shore of Llanquihue Lake. Don Pedro is an old man who live near there, he was very helpfull and friendly with us, he share with us some food and some stuff to practice fishing. Anyway, the point is that the travel was amazing.

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Free Time Post

I couldn't say that it's my favorite sport but for a long time i've been playing baby football every sunday of the week. All it begins when a small group of people from San Miguel met every sunday to play, this become in something bigger when others teams added to this practice. At some point it was better to create a tournement, that's how at this moment there is a female tournement of baby football. 

So one sunday i just went to see some matches with my friends, and talking with one of them (who was in a team playing the tournement) i came in to his team and play with them and all the other people.

The style of how you have to play baby football is totally conditioned for the size of the court and the material that the floor is made (it could make the match more fast or slow). Anyway, the game is faster because the space that each player has is very small, so you have to be quick to think and pass the ball or other action.

Talking about another topic, there is a music album that i've been listen for a long time. At the first moment i feel like it was pretty boring but now i find some nice and really cool tracks. The album is "The Now Now" from Gorillaz. It has a flow very energic and  crazy. I listen this album every week, with my friends and my family. 

3 reasons of why i like baby football: it's nice to have a different activity in the week, even more if you do it with your friends and the feeling of score a goal is great.

3 reasons of why i like the album, first, i love Gorillaz, second and third reason, it has greats song and i can enjoy it in every moment of my day.
Resultado de imagen para the now now

Resultado de imagen para baby futbol

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

My favourite piece of technology

Thinking about what is my fabourite piece of technology ins´t something that i commonly do. I realize that i use a lot of technology in my life but i don´t feel comfortable with that fact all the time. 

Yesterday my friend Paoko gave me his old cellphone, i spend two months without a phone so i get used to be like that. In other way i like more the computer because i can play some games in a emulator of Super Nintendo, but is not important neither. It´s like the tablet that my little brother recieve from our grandmother, i use it a lot to put music on Spotify, see some videos on Youtube or play Free Fire online with my friend. Talking about it i´m really bad at that game, but it doesn´t matter because it´s really fun.

What i really enjoy to do is art, it would be great to have or even know how to use a Drawing Tablet to do some crazy stuff on Illustrator or Photoshop. This days i have been collecting money to buy some day that technology.

So my favourite piece of technology are my prismacolor markets, i got them in my first year of university and i felt in love of them. I do a lot of illustrations with all kinds of colors, like a draw of Donkey Kong or one from the Tarantino´s movie Pulp Fiction, it spend like a year and a half and somebody stole them. Now i can´t draw my ideas with all the colors but i learn a lot of the other pencils that i have.

Resultado de imagen para prismacolor markers

Donkey Kong Country 1
Pulp Fiction

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Short Autobiography

Hey everyone.

I´m Martín. I was born in Santiago in March 07 in 1997, i´m the second son of three brothers. Actually i live in San Miguel with my mother, my two brothers, three cats and a dog.

Since i was a little boy, i really enjoy art. My school was Instituto Miguel León Prado, i spend twelve years in that place and i made really good friends and met a lot of nice people.

For one time i was interest in study architecture and i tried to get in but it dind´t go well. So at the end i opted for study graphic desing, it was more difficult than i expected but at the present time i feel really happy with that desition.

In my free time i like to draw, to paint, listen music, hangout with my friends or family and sleep.

Talking about my family, my mother's name is Marcela, she is a pretty and smart woman. My two brother are Luciano (11 years old) and Ignacio (27 years old), i like to spend my time with them, even if we do nothing important is nice to be with them.