About a week ago a was in my room with my dog, it was like 4 am and i start to feel somnolent. It's seems to be a normal night, just lying on my bed, but then the curtains of my room start to move like the wind were coming inside. I think "Oh, i forgot to close the window ", so i get up from the bed and try to close it just to realize that was already closed. It was a moment of confusion but as i felt tired didn't think too much about it. I remember to see the sky and it looks like the sun were just rising.
When i turn back my door was open and my dog was outside looking at the living room, i felt like someone or something were called his attention. So when he star to walk to the living room i called him back because i didn't want to be alone. I called him like tree times until hi came back. When i close the door to go back to my bed my body completly freeze and i couldn't move at all. Suddenly an strange force...
This seems like a scary dream