miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Free Time Post

I couldn't say that it's my favorite sport but for a long time i've been playing baby football every sunday of the week. All it begins when a small group of people from San Miguel met every sunday to play, this become in something bigger when others teams added to this practice. At some point it was better to create a tournement, that's how at this moment there is a female tournement of baby football. 

So one sunday i just went to see some matches with my friends, and talking with one of them (who was in a team playing the tournement) i came in to his team and play with them and all the other people.

The style of how you have to play baby football is totally conditioned for the size of the court and the material that the floor is made (it could make the match more fast or slow). Anyway, the game is faster because the space that each player has is very small, so you have to be quick to think and pass the ball or other action.

Talking about another topic, there is a music album that i've been listen for a long time. At the first moment i feel like it was pretty boring but now i find some nice and really cool tracks. The album is "The Now Now" from Gorillaz. It has a flow very energic and  crazy. I listen this album every week, with my friends and my family. 

3 reasons of why i like baby football: it's nice to have a different activity in the week, even more if you do it with your friends and the feeling of score a goal is great.

3 reasons of why i like the album, first, i love Gorillaz, second and third reason, it has greats song and i can enjoy it in every moment of my day.
Resultado de imagen para the now now

Resultado de imagen para baby futbol

2 comentarios:

  1. Oh I like Gorillaz, my favorite album is demmon days! When I was in the school I play Baby football, I think is very cool that you practice now. Nice post :)
