jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019


Today i want to talk about the memories. I think these topic is pretty important for me because i have to many memories, even from i was a little baby living with my parent and my older brother in a small department near the subway Santa Ana. Once upon a time i take a bill from my mother´s purse and cut it in pieces with the scissors. The cartoons then were different, i enjoyed seen The Flintstones specially that part on the opening were Peter Flintstones jump from the tail of a giant dinosaur. My toys were different too, i have and Action Man and hundreds os these green and tiny soldiers. 

Those are just memories from my first home, there are to many others but its not necesary to tell you all of it. It's curious when you realize that your close friends or people doesn't have ´the same thing, maybe our brain decide to keep just a specific quantity of memories based on the kind of important that means for each person. If that's correct perhaps my memories, even the rares and insignificant ones, are part of an trancendental moment in my life. And tha make me feel that i am who i am because of all that.

Could sounds weird but i fell gratefull from those people who make me live the worst moments of my life because i learn so much from those experiences.